Frequently asked questions

Where can I find allergy information?

We are committed to making our food accessible for all, and dishes that aren’t we are working on alternative recipes so please bear with us. We must declare that all of our food and drink are made in the same kitchen and therefore we cannot fully guarantee any item is free of allergens but will always communicate this to you.

I need to transport my food after delivery where you aren't providing staff. Will they be safe?

It is important to remember that our dishes are delicate, perishable and should be kept refrigerated. To ensure the quality of your food is not compromised during transportation, we recommend that you always keep the box flat and avoid placing it in direct sunlight. If you plan to travel long distances over several hours in the summer months with your dishes we recommend using a cooler bag. Once in your care it is important to follow these instructions, as we can’t take responsibility for any damage or contamination incurred during transportation.

What payment options do you offer?

We accept all major cards including Amex, Apple and Android pay. Wholesale and event customers are welcome to pay via invoice and bank transfer. We are unable to accept cash for any additional services on the day of your event.

Do you offer a full event service?

Of course! Our commitment to you doesn’t just end upon delivery. We have a wide range of options for any scale of event. We can work behind the scenes for venues with their own waiting staff, provide our own, set up a temporary kitchen and plating space or we can even offer a bar display You can download our event overview brochure here.

When is payment required for my event?

A 50% deposit is required to secure your event at time of booking with full payment required no later than four weeks in advance of your event taking place. Should you need to increase your numbers this can be invoiced separately however we are not able to reduce numbers with less than four weeks notice. Deposits are regrettably none refundable.

Can you help to plan my event?

We have a wealth of experience catering for tricky venues, outdoors in the great British weather and liaising with multiple vendors. Each event comes with an event supervisor role who will oversee operations on the day as well as answering any questions you may have in the run up. We would be delighted to offer guidance and advice on menus and logistical support only to ensure your event runs smoothly however we do not offer an event planning service beyond the food and drink.

Do you require a kitchen at my event venue?

This would be dependent on the menu you have opted for but this is unlikely. We are able to provide all of our own equipment including worktables as well as gazebos to work in. Please be advised our gazebos are for our team to work from and not for guests however we can put you in touch with a reputable marquee hire supplier. If you the customer are providing us with a kitchen or area to work in we kindly request this is clean and free of hazards.

Are you insured and inspected?

Yes, we are fully insured including up to £5 million in public liability as well as for our own staff. We are able to provide certificates to your venue upon request. We have also received a five star food hygiene rating during inspection by our local authority and at random event spot checks.

What happens to leftovers?

You are more than welcome to keep any leftover food and we will be able to package this up for you to take home. We will only allow you to keep any food which is safe to consume after the event and we will happily provide you with any reheating instructions. Once in your possession we are no longer liable for the integrity of any food. Any food which is safe to consume and not taken by you the customer is donated across local charities in our local area. Any other waste will be disposed of by us and we will clean and clear down any area we have worked in. We do ask that for bar services, leftover glass from beer bottles etc is disposed of on site.